Church Ministries
Church Ministries
Lots of Ways to Get Involved.
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Sunday School is from 10am-10:45am every Sunday. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in an informal setting where the scripture is taught and discussed and where you can be apart of a group for spiritual growth and fellowship.
Infant and Preschool
There is a safe, well-equipped area for infants and children where they are nurtured and shown the love of Jesus in caring and activites.
The children’s Sunday School area is well equipped and stimulating area for children to interact with teachers and other children and where the Bible is taught through word and example. The children are involved in missions activites to help them grow in Christian Service.
The youth have their own special area where they can informally share with others as they learn and grow spritually. They often help with other church ministries and activites and are involved in the worship services according to their interests and talents.
There are several opportunities for adults of all ages to participate in Sunday School. There are classes for ladies and men and also mixed classes and for young adults. There is also a Sanctuary class for those being introduced to church and for those who prefer a more open setting. All of these classes have social meetings according to the desires of the group.

Church Ministries
Music Ministry
Mull’s Grove Baptist Church Staff and members believe that music is a vital part of worship and that it prepares the hearts and minds of those present for an attitude of personal worship. Music includes traditional hymns, praise and worship, and southern gospel. The director of Music leads the congregation in musical praise. The church choir presents special music each Sunday. Members are encouraged to particpate in the choir and practice each Sunday at 5pm. The church is blessed with musically gifted members who share in the services on a regular basis. Special musical services with invited groups and/or church members are held occasionally.
Church Ministries
Children’s Ministry
The children’s ministry includes Sunday School as described elsewhere on this site. Children’s church for preschool and young childrenis provided each Sunday during the worship service time. A nursery is provided for infants and young children. Vacation Bible School is held each summer at an announced time. In addition, special children’s activites are provided at Easter, July 4th, fall festival, Christmas and other special planned events. Children are involved in ministries such as Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox, Blessing Box ministry and reaching out to homebound members.

Church Ministries
Youth Ministries
Sunday School is an important part of the Youth Program. Youth are involved in assisting in VBS and special missions such as the Shoebox Ministry. There are opportunities and encouragement for youth to be involved in church music and in other service areas such as the sound room. Special youth events such as Winter Extreme and area youth rallies are provided by the church. Summer camp at South Mountain Baptist Camp is held each summer.
Church Ministries
Food Service Ministry
A Fellowship meal is provided each Wednesday at 6pm. Meals for special occasions such as Easter breakfast following Sunrise, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are great fellowship times. Bereavement meals are provided for church members and their families. A blessing box with non perishable food items is provided in the parking area of the church for those who may have a need for food.

Church Ministries
July 4th Freedom Celebration
A community parade is held each July 4th. Church members, community friends and others are invited to participate in the parade which starts at a housing location near the church and ends at the church where games and food are enjoyed by all.
Church Ministries
Annual Church BBQ
Each year in March a 2-day BBQ fundraiser is held, during which BBQ orders are delievered to area business and work areas. Take out orders are also apart of this event. Thi is a great time of fellowship for church members to be involved and to reach out to the community.

Church Ministries
Keenager Ministry
A program for seniors 50 years and older is supported by the church budget and includes meals and activites on a regular basis based on the interests of the group.
Church Ministries
Agape Team Ministry
A special team known as AGAPE is on task to reach out to church members or those in the community with special needs. This could include meals, visits, provision of health-related equipment, or assistance in other ways. Deacons and members of the church may identify potential needs and assist with support as needed.