About Our Church
Our Mission & Vision
Our vision and mission is to help connect people to faith
Mull’s Grove Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist church and a member of the Catawba River Baptist Assocation and the Southern Baptist Convention. We support the Cooperative Program and the missions associated with the convention. The Samaritans Purse Shoebox ministry and Catawba River Baptist Association Toy Store ministry are important mission emphasis each year. In addition, the church supports other missionary activities locally and missionary work in Spain. Mull’s Grove is a traditional Baptist church where the Word is preached, taught and shared through music. The fellowship is warm and inviting and vistors are enthusiastically welcomed. The expressed purpose of the church is to prepare the members for the work of the ministry and the edification of the body of Christ in order that people may be introduced to the Gospel message and come to know Christ as Savior (Ephesians 4:12-13).
Church History
Mull’s Grove Baptist Church was established in 1895 by a group of 20-22 interested people with a Rev. Mark Clark presiding. Rev Clark conducted a revival under a brush arbor at the site on Burkemont Road where the church currently stands. It is not clear where the church met following the brush arbor revival, but Rev. Clark was the first pastor. In 1901, a building was erected on the site with land donated by Mr. Samuel Mull. Over the years the church property has been enlarged and several building projects have resulted in improvements to the facilities. The current sanctuary, education and fellowship areas were completed in 1979. A more complete history, list of pastors, and photos are displayed in the historical area of the educational building.
Our Beliefs & Values
We believe the Bible is the Word of God written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit and is without error. Further we believe that:
Jesus lived a sinless life and was fully God and fully man (John 12:44-45)
Jesus is the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin (Luke 1:26-31)
Jesus was resurrected the Third day and rose to conquer death and the grave (Matthew 28:1-6)
Jesus was crucified and took on Himself the sins of mankind (Luke 23:46)
That all have sinned and that the wages of sin is death (Romans 3:23 & Romans 6:23)
Jesus ascended back to heaven and now sits on the right hand of the Father making intercession for those who believe (Mark 16:19)
That the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is our comforter, guide, and teacher (John 16:7-11)
That Jesus paid the debt for our sins and that belief in Him secures our eternity with Him in heaven (Romans 10:9)
We agree with the Baptist Faith and Message which more fully identifies what Baptists believe.
Who We Are
Our Team & Leadership
Rev Dean McCurry was called to be the Pastor of Mull’s Grove Baptist Church in April, 2023. Rev. McCurry is a gifted Biblical preacher who delivers Scriptural messages with conviction and passion. He and his family minister to the church family and community with love and concern. The family is gifted musically and contributes to the music ministry of the church.
Rev. McCurry delivers an inspiring brief message on Sunday evenings at 6 pm
often altering the service for special events. The Wednesday evening Bible
studies are very educational, often theme based, and contributing to the growth of the congregation.

Rev. Dean McCurry

Yulita Hensley
Music Director & Church Secretary

Melody Garrison
Children's Services Director

Dakota & Lisa Wilson
Student Ministries Leaders