Church Calendar and Events
Sunday Service Time:
Sunday School: 10AM
Worship Service: 11AM & 6PM
Choir Practice: Sunday @ 5pm
Wednesday Service Times:
Fellowship Meal: 6PM
Bible Study: 7PM
Team Kids: 7PM
Services Live on Facebook
Mother’s Day Ladies Luncheon
March 11th. Noon-2pm
Children’s Summer Camp
July 21st-24th @ South Mtn Baptist Camp
May 19th
Special music and covered dish luncheon to follow
Sportmen Event
August 24th
With displays, food, fellowship and special speaker
Vacation Bible School
July 7th-11th, 5:30pm-8pm
VBS for all ages and Adults – Meal Provided
No Evening Services on all 5th Sundays
Call church office on Tuesday or Thursdays for more information regarding these events